Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Feel Like I'm Starting Over

My Nephew Waldon Doing His Thing!
After a pretty hectic, but good trip back east to celebrate my fathers birthday (interestingly his day coincides with that scary Halloween holiday thing).  Had a couple workouts to start the trip off, but then took Saturday and Sunday off, which may have not been the best idea seeing how wonderfully we feasted!

But, back home now, I am eager to get back on track.  It's so funny how when you're cruising along a steady, positive path, even two days can make you feel like you've lost everything.  But I know that is not the case, I know that my workouts and fuel this week will be spot on and make me feel so damn good.  Today I begin phase two of Max Effort.  I'll be working Jerks for my total body lift, Deadlifts for the lower body, and weighted pull ups and dips for my upper body.  My metcons will be pretty tough this week, then decrease in total time for the next couple, so I am expecting a tough, tough week of training ahead of me, and I am so excited for it!

5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 Jerks

40, 30, 20, 10 for time of:
Box jumps 24"
KB thruster 35# (touch the ground with the KB every 5 reps)
Row 250 meters between each round

I felt pretty solid with the jerks, fast and mechanically sound.  The volume got to me in the end and I ended up only getting one out of 4 attempts at 230#.  My strength is clearly there (as in, the bar gets up very easily), just need to work on the confidence of the lock-out.  I am looking forward to next Monday when I get work on these again!  The metcon, man was I mean to me with this one!  It was just flat out exhausting, and I was about ready to just curl up in a ball and head to sleep after that.  I finished in 23:09, and I felt every minute of that one!

I have a handful of fun posts coming this week, so stay tuned for those.  I feel rejuvenated upon my return home, and I am amped up for this week to unfold!

Never Stop, GET FIT.

Josh Courage

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