Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Last Wednesday had me pulling a comfortable 425# off the ground and I was hoping to get around 450# this time around for my last phase of the second cycle of Max Effort.  James and I get together to get after it, and while he pulled 5x5, I went after my reps.  Using Kilo's, I worked up quickly and comfortably to the final two sets where I got 215 (that's 474#).  The back was not perfect, but not too bad, and I had to scoop just a little on the second effort with it (the first was a bit smoother), but man, I am so happy to have the deadlift working back up!  I will be posting up my personal goals along with the Goals Page early ext week, but I am WELL on my way to getting my goal of 500#!  After that, James and I got a wonderful hip-dominant metcon:

3 rounds of:
10 box jumps 20"
5 box jumps 24"
1 box jump 30"
12 GHD sit ups
12 GHD back extensions
12 KB swings 53#

This was a great one!  The descending reps/ascending height box jumps were sneaky tough especially on the final round, and the GHD work fatigued the hips enough to make those jumps that much more a struggle.  And of course, after the heavy deadlifts, the GHD's and KB swings did a number on both our backs.  But it wasn't taxing enough to cause any breaks (except for the time split seconds it took to kick the box over to its different heights) and I was able to finish in 5:15, I am thinking that's a pretty good time.

I then went after a little supplemental work.  I had written in weighted good mornings but took those out as my back was struggling a bit.  So, I did 3 rounds of 20 TRX pendulums and knees to chest, then finished with 100 wide-leg bicycles.  A good days work all around!

I'm thinking the 7th installment of Courageous Meals will be up tomorrow, and Friday calls for a little something special before I head back east for the week (and some innovative workouts!).

Never Stop, GET FIT.

Josh Courage

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