Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Next Little Bit

Additional Note Added (go to bottom of post...)

Hey all,

So, for the next few weeks I've decided to (for the most part) follow the programming of well known coach James Fitzgerald, or, as most people know him, OPT (Optimum Performance Training).  More on that in a second.  Besides that, I am about to eneter in to the slight "down period" of my work cycle in terms of training clients.  All the college guys are back to school, high school ball will be starting up soon, and most people who hounded me with emails about training post-resolution setting, are realizing they are actually not as committed as they thought, and drop off the edge of the earth.  It's a tough phenomenon to witness as so many people get so excited for a change to happen but do not focus on changing the thing that matters most, their minds...but I digress.  The focus, now that I will have more time away from the gym, will be put onto a couple things:  the new facility to run my programming out of out in McLean, VA, and the bike ride across the country.  Now of course, there is a good deal, well hold on, an overwhelmingly large deal of baggage that come with both of these projects, so, it is going to be a pretty filled up few months.

The new space is so exciting.  I will be bringing in a trainer or two, who will be taking the programming that I have been using for many years now to help athletes reach their potential and beyond.  It is a big, big project, but it will be so good not only for Courage Performance, but for so many young athletes who have no real programming to follow right now.  The bike ride is one of the most exciting adventures I have put on myself in my life.  The process of organizing the second event (a silent auction where I will lift 100,000lbs in one hour) is a bit stressful but only because I have no real idea as to how to do it.  The ride itself is going to be a blast.  There are lots and lots of details to figure out, sponsorships, route, Children's Hospitals to visit, support etc.  But at the base of it all, I am just thrilled to know that I will be spending the most of each day, for 30 straight days, outside on a bike.  What a freaking cool experience this will be.

And all along, I will be continuously training.  I have a CrossFit competition on the 30th of this month.  I have sectionals for the CrossFit Games in late March; and, I have fun to be had at all times, every day, of course.  Along with this training, and in line with that fun week of promoting the CrossFit community, I will most likely be traveling around where I can continue spreading the wonderful community CrossFit is growing.  For example, next week I'll be out in Arizona visiting the wonderful Lindsey, and while there I plan to hit two affiliates for a great workout and to chat everyone up.  So, what I've been doing has been writing my own programming and just upping it each week in prep for the competitions.

So, on to the new programming trial.  OPT has some pretty interesting stuff, he is extremely thorough, he is very, very intelligent, and, he practices what he preaches.  I figure, why not let another professional help out (even though he won't be physically helping)?  Here is what I have concluded on it:  I have been writing my own programs for years now.  Most of the time, I use many different resources to help design my programs, from internet sources, to books, friends, and other trainers and coaches.  So, when I find someone, or a resource that intrigues me, I enjoy following it along and, depending on if it ties into my goals, try to implement the stuff into my own work.  So, as an experiment, I have decided to base my training for at least the next couple weeks on this guys programming.  I will most likely be adding a little bit to it as well, short metcons, maybe some extra strength work, and of course, biking.

As I mentioned before in some of my posts, my main weakness is my shoulders.  So, I'll continue to work on mobility and strength for them through corrective exercises, stretching, some yoga, handstand push up work and strict overhead press work.  I also found that I am starting to weaken a bit with some of the main lifts like deadlifts and squats.  I honestly think that this is on account of my core strength not keeping up with the rest of my body.  So, I will be focusing a bit more on that too; TRX work mostly for that one.  And finally, biking.  I will be utilizing the weekends for a long ride, then, I will get at least two more shorter rides during the week.  If I can fit more in, I will.  The cool, and depending on your view, boring thing about this training style of biking is that I will just be focused on logging miles.  No focus on timing, pushing the hear rate etc. just getting on the bike and riding.  Again, all I have to do is ride a little over 100 miles a day for 30 days.  So, that's what I need to train for.

Well, here goes another fun adventure!

OPT info:

Never Stop, GET FIT.

Josh Courage

*Turns out I will not actually e following OPT (he is training for a competition and his schedule is just off mine), I will, however, continue to use his programming as a base for my own programming for a couple weeks to see how it goes!

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