Friday, July 18, 2008

Back Into It

Well folks,

It's been a long while since I last posted, and I'm sure most of you know why.

A little over a month ago, my mother's miraculously long loved tussle with cancer came to an end. I was there as she passed and my family and I shared an absolutely incredible few days of mourning. She was always, and is now more than ever, my greatest inspiration for living the life I want. She did so well and in doing so, she touched countless people with her generosity and kindness. I am honored to have had a mother like her and to have had someone like that a part of my life. I hope, and make it a portion of my life's work, to help people in the way she did. I thank everyone who sent their prayers and support.

As for training, it has been a little unorganized, but it has been intense. Since my last post I have gained a huge amount of ground in my summer goals. 12 were written down in my private notes, and I am confidant this time around that all 12 will be reached. Here they are:

10% Body fat (started at a little over 14 when written, and around 12 now)
Sub 6 minute mile
225 Clean and Jerk (got 200 easy for 3)
400 Deadlift (got 405 trap bar for 3)
375 Squat (knees are aching, got 320 fine though)
Legit Muscle Up (wanted it with a swing, got it from just the hanging position)
1/2 Body Weight Pull Up (got 100, 5 lbs off!)
1 Handstand Push Up
5 1-arm Push Ups with Both Hands
1 1-arm pull up
8 second handstand (got about 5 seconds)
10 marathons (been a goal, have 6, am registered for final 4 already)

Because of the marathon goal (10 in a year, Marine Corps to Marine Corps, Oct 07 to Oct 08) I am allowing myself through October to get all of these goals. I think that will be more than enough time to get them.

Besides that, I have tones to talk about and get out to the world, so, keep you eyes peeled for regular posts!

Never Stop, GET FIT

Josh Courage

1 comment:

mfiggy said...

well done on the goals Courage. You constantly amaze me in you ability to take the roadbumps of life, and see the positives in them. Cheers friend.